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TK Asia Karte Headerbild

The door to a growing market

Our internationally aligned company knows how to turn challenges of globalisation into opportunities with a high potential – and thus permanently stay competitive. Our subsidiary in Almaty mostly supplies the oil and gas production industries in the region, while also acting as a supplier for other industry branches.


Vitali Heimann
TOO Thomas Kurze Central Asia
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Phone: +49 40 710 90 10
Whatsapp: +7 775 728 0158

Unsere Lieferpartner für Kasachstan:

Stahlmuttern Inhalte Lieferpartner Selger

Hoses, fittings, loading & safety technology RS

RS Roman Seliger Armaturenfabrik GmbH

Schriftzug Inhalte Lieferpartner Markal

High-performance markers for the industry

La-Co Industries Europe S.A.S.

Druckventil Inhalte Lieferpartner Ashcroft

Measuring technology, process control and instrumentation

Ashcroft Instruments GmbH

Druchventil Inhalte Lieferpartner Ashcroft

Pumps, seals & valves

Flowservice Corporation